2022-2023 School Year

Abby Kelley Foster Regional Charter School

Abby Kelley Foster Elementary

Abby Kelley Foster Middle

Abby Kelley Foster High School

Academy of the Pacific Rim

Academy of the Pacific Rim

Alma del Mar Charter School

Alma del Mar Frederick Douglass Campus

Alma del Mar Sarah Ottiwell Campus

Argosy Collegiate Charter School

Argosy Collegiate Charter

Argosy Collegiate Charter High School 

Athol-Royalston Regional School District

Athol Community Elementary School 

Athol Royalston Middle School 

Athol Royalston Regional High School 

Royalston Community School 

Atlantis Charter School

Atlantis Charter School

Barnstable Public Schools

Barnstable Community Innovation School 

Barnstable Intermediate School

Barnstable High School

Barnstable United Elementary

Barnstable West Barnstable

Cape Cod Waypoint

Centerville Elementary

Hyannis West Elementary

Osterville Cape Cod

West Village Elementary

Benjamin Banneker Charter School

Benjamin Banneker Charter School Public School

Berkshire Arts/Tech Charter

Berkshire Arts and Tech Charter

Boston Collegiate Charter School

Boston Collegiate C.S

Boston Collegiate Charter School

Boston Preparatory Charter School

Boston Preparatory Charter School

Boston Renaissance Charter School

Boston Renaissance Charter Public School

Boston Public School District 

Adams Elementary School

Alighieri Dante Montessori School

Another Course to College

Baldwin Early Learning Pilot Academy

Bates Elementary School

BCLA - McCormack Lower

Beethoven Elementary School

Blackstone Elementary School

Boston Adult Tech Academy

Boston Arts Academy

Boston Collaborative HS - Ostiguy

Boston Day-Evening Academy

Boston Green Academy

Boston International High School

Boston Latin Academy

Boston Latin School

Boston Teachers Union K-8 Pilot School

Bradley Elementary School

Brighton High School

Burke High School

Carter School

Channing Elementary School

Charlestown High School

Chittick Elementary School

Clap Elementary School

Community Academy


Condon K-8 School

Conley Elementary School

Curley K-8 School

Dearborn 6-12 STEM Academy

Dever Elementary School

Dudley Street Neighborhood School

East Boston Early Education Center

East Boston High School

Edison K-8 School

Eliot K-8 Innovation School - Charter St

Eliot K-8 Innovation School - Commercial

Eliot K-8 Innovation School - Salem St

Ellis Elementary School

Ellison-Parks Early Education School

English High School

Everett Elementary School

​​Excel High School

Fenway High School

Frederick Pilot Middle School

Gardner Pilot Academy

Greater Egleston High School

Greenwood Sarah K-8 School

Grew Elementary School

Guild Elementary School

Hale Elementary School

Haley Pilot School

Harvard-Kent Elementary School

Haynes Early Education Center

Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Lower

Henderson K-12 Inclusion School Upper

Hennigan K-8 School

Hernandez K-8 School

Higginson Inclusion K0-2 School

Higginson-Lewis K-8 School

Holmes Elementary School

Hurley K-8 School

Irving Middle School

Jackson-Mann K-8 School

Kennedy Academy Health Careers (11-12)

Kennedy Academy Health Careers (9-10)

Kennedy John F Elementary School

Kennedy Patrick J Elementary School

Kenny Elementary School

Kilmer K-8 School (4-8)

Kilmer K-8 School (K-3)

King K-8 School

Lee Academy

Lee K-8 School

Lyndon K-8 School

Lyon High School

Lyon K-8 School

Madison Park Technical Vocational School

Manning Elementary School

Margarita Muniz Academy

Mario Umana Academy

Mason Elementary School

Mather Elementary School

Mattahunt Elementary School

McKay K-8 School

McKinley Elementary School

McKinley Middle School

McKinley Prep High School

Mendell Elementary School

Mildred Avenue K-8 School

Mozart Elementary School

Murphy K-8 School

New Mission High School

O'Donnell Elementary School

Ohrenberger School (3-8)

Orchard Gardens K-8 School

Otis Elementary School

Perkins Elementary School

Perry K-8 School

Philbrick Elementary School

Quincy Elementary School

Quincy Upper School

Quincy Upper Washington (6-7)

Roosevelt K-8 School (2-8)

Roosevelt K-8 School (K1-1)

Russell Elementary School

Shaw Elementary School

Snowden International High School

Sumner Elementary School

Taylor Elementary School

TechBoston Academy (6-12)

Timilty Middle School

Tobin K-8 School

Trotter K-8 School

Tynan Elementary School

UP Academy Boston

UP Academy Dorchester

UP Academy Holland

Warren-Prescott K-8 School

Winship Elementary School

Winthrop Elementary School

Young Achievers K-8 School

Bridge Boston Charter School 

Bridge Boston Charter School 

Brimfield Elementary

Brimfield Elementary

Brockton Public Schools

Arnone Elementary School 

Ashfield School 

Barrett Russell School 

Brockton High

Brockton Promise School 



East Junior High 

Edgar B Davis 


Gilmore School 



Independence Academy 

John F Kennedy 

Joseph F Plouffe

Keith Center 

Louis F Angelo 

Mary Baker School 

North Junior High

Oscar F Raymond 

 Paine School 

South Junior High 

Trinity Catholic Academy Lower

Trinity Catholic Academy Upper

West Junior High 

Brooke Charter School

Brooke 8th Grade Academy 

Brooke Charter School East Boston 

Brooke Charter School High 

Brooke Charter School Mattapan 

Brooke Charter School Roslindale 

Brookfield School

Brookfield Elementary

Cambridge School Department

Cambridge Rindge & Latin School

Cambridge Street Upper School

Fletcher Maynard Academy

High School Extension Program

Kennedy Longfellow School

Putnam Ave Upper School

Rindge Avenue Upper School

Vassal Lane Upper School

Cape Cod Regional

Cape Cod Regional Tech High School

Chelsea School Department

Chelsea High School 

Clark School 

Early Learning CTR/Shurtleff

Mary C Burke Complex 

Wright-Brown Middle School 

Chicopee Public Schools



Bellamy Middle 



Chicopee Academy 

Chicopee Comprehensive HS

Chicopee High 

Dupont Middle School 

Fairview Elementary School 

Gen John J Stefanik 

Lambert Lavoie 


Strieber Memorial School 

Szetela Early Childhood School 

City On A Hill Charter School

City On A Hill Circuit Street 

Clinton School Department

Clinton Elementary School

Clinton Middle School

Clinton Senior High School

Codman Academy Charter School

Codman Academy Charter Lower School 

Codman Academy Charter Public School 

Collab. for Reg. Ed. Serv.& Training

Crest Collaborative

Collegiate Charter School of Lowell

Collegiate Charter School of Lowell

Community Charter School

Community Charter School of Cambridge 

Community Day Charter School

Community Day Gateway ELC

Community Day Gateway LS and US

Community Day Prospect ELC

Community Day Prospect LS and US

Community Day Webster ELC

Community Day Webster LS and US

Conservatory Lab Charter School

Conservatory Lab Charter School Lower

Conservatory Lab Charter School Upper

Cristo Rey Boston High School

Cristo Rey Boston High School

Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District

Ezra H Baker 

Marguerite E Small 

Mattaceese Reg Middle School 

Natheniel H Wixon Reg School 

Dudley-Charlton School District

Dudley Elementary

So. Worc. Country Ed, Coolab.

Easthampton Public Schools


Edgartown School Committee

Edgartown Elementary  

Epiphany School

Epiphany School

Erving Public School

Erving Elementary

Everett Public Schools

Adams School

Anthony's School

Devens School

Everett High School

Keverian School

Lafayette School

Madeline English School

Parlin School

Webster Extension School

Webster School

Whittier School

Excel Academy Charter School

Excel Academy Charter High School

Excel Academy Chelsea 

Excel Academy East Boston 

Excel Academy Greenway

Fall River Public Schools

A S Letourneau 

B M C Durfee 

Edmund P Talbot Middle 

Frank M. Silvia Elementary

Henry Lord Community School 

James Tansey 

John J Doran 

Mary L Fonsca School 

Mattew J Kuss Middle 

Morton Middle 

Resiliency Preparatory Academy 

Saint Michaels School 

Samuel Watson 

Spencer Borden 

Stone Day School 

Viveiros School 

Williams S Greene School 

Fitchburg School Department

Crocker Elementary School 

Fitchburg Alternative High School 

Fitchburg High School

Keystone Collaborative

Longsjo Middle School 

Mckay Arts Academy 

Memorial Middle 

Reingold Elementary

South Street School 

Florida School District

Gabriel Abbott Memorial School

Framingham Public Schools



Cameron Middle School

Charlotte Dunning

Framingham High School 

Framingham High Thayer Campus 

Fuller Middle School 

Harmony Grove 


Juniper Hill

King Elementary

Mary Stapleton

Mirian McCarthy 

Potter Road

Walsh Middle

Gateway Regional School District

Chester Elementary

Littleville Elementary 

Gill-Montague Regional School District


Great Falls Middle School

Gill Elementary School

Sheffield Elementary School 

Turners Falls High School 

Global Learning Charter School

Global Learning Charter Public 

Greater Lawrence Regional Voc School

Greater Lawrence Regional Voc Tech

Greater Lowell Regional

Greater Lowell Regional Voc Tech

Great New Bedford Regional

Great New Bedford Voc. Tech High

Greenfield Public Schools

Academy of Early Learning 

Federal Street 

Four Corner Elementary Scool

Greenfield High School 

Greenfield Middle School 

Newton School 

Hampden Charter School of Science West

Hampden Charter School of Science West

Haverhill Public Schools

Bradford Elementary School 

Caleb Dustin Hunking 

Consentino School 

Crowell School 

Dr Paul Nettle 

Golden Hill Elementary

Greenleaf Academy 

Haverhill High 

John G Whittier 

Moody School 

Pentucket Lake Elementary School 

Silver Hill Elementary

T.E.A.C.H at Bartlett 


Tilton Upper 

Walnut Square 

Hawlemont Regional School District

Hawlemont Regional

Helen Y. David Leadership Academy Charter 

Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy CPS

Holland School District

Holland Elementary

Holyoke Community Charter School

Holyoke Community Charter School

Holyoke Public Schools

Blessed Sacrament School 

Community Adolescent Resource 

Center School at Chicopee

Edward N White 

Holyoke High School (Dean Campus)

Holyoke High School (North Campus) 

Holyoke Middle School


LT Clayre P Sullivan 

LT Mcmahon 

Mater Dolorosa 

Maurice A Donahue

Mecalf Early 

Morgan School 

Opportunity Academy 

Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter 

Peck Lawrence School (Lawrence Campus)

Peck Lawrence School (Peck Campus)

Springdale Education Center 

STEM Academy 

The Center School 

The Center School (At Center Street)

Transitions Academy 

Veritas Prep at Holyoke 

Hoosac Valley Regional School District

Hoosac Valley Elementary School

Hoosac Valley Middle & High School

James F. Farr Academy

Farr Academy 

Kipp Academy Charter School

Kipp Academy Charter School

Kipp Academy Lynn Collegiate 

Kipp Academy Lynn Elementary

Kipp Academy Lynn Middle School 

Lawrence Catholic Academy Inc 

Lawrence Catholic Academy Inc

Lawrence Family Dev. Charter

Early Academic Prep Academy 

Lower School 

Upper School 

Lawrence Public Schools

Arlington Educational Complex 

Bellensini Academy 

Breen School 

Bruce School 

Frost Educational Complex 

Guilmette Elementary

Hennessey School 

Kid-Start Inc

Lawlor School 

Lawrence Family Public Academy 

Lawrence High School Campus 

Leahy School 

North Common Educational Complex 

Oliver Partnership School at St Mary’s 

Parthum Educational Complex

Rollins School


School for Exceptional Studies Annex 

South Lawrence East Educational Complex

Tarbox School 

Up Academy Leonard 

Wetherbee School 

Learning First Charter

Learning First Charter Public School

Leominster Public Schools

Bennett Elementary School 

Fall Brook 


Frances Drake Elementary

Johnny Appleseed 

Leominster Senior High 

Northwest Elementary School 

Priest Street School 

Samoset School 

Sky View

Lowell Community Charter School

Lowell Community Charter Public School

Lowell Middlesex Academy

Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter 

Lowell Public Schools

Adie Day School

Baily, Dr. Gretrde School 

Bartlett Community Partnership 

Butler School 

Cardinal O’Connell School 



Laura Lee Alternative 

Lincoln, Abraham School 

Lowell High School 

Mcauliffe S Christa School 

Mcavinnue Joseph A School 

Molloy Alternative: Career Academy 

Moody Elementary School


Murkland, Charlotte M School 

Pawtucket Memorial 

Pyne, Joseph 


Riverside School (Bridge)


Rogers STEM Academy 


Stoklosa, Katheryn P School 

Sullivan, James Schools 

Wang, Dr An School 


Lower Pioneer Valley Ed Collaborative

Lower Pioneer Valley Ed Collaborative

Lynn Public Schools


Breed Middle 

Brickett Elementary


Classical High 




English High 


Fecteau JR/SR High 






Little Lynners At YMCA

Lynn Voc Tech Annex 

Lynn Voc Teah Institute 

Lynn Woods 

Marshall Middle 

Pickering Junior High 






Malden Public Schools

Beebe School 

Early Childhood Center

Ferryway School 


Malden High 

Salemwood School 

Malik Academy

Al Bustan

MAP Academy Charter School

MAP Academy Charter

Marlborough School Department

Early Childhood Center

Francis J Kane

Goodnow Brothers Elementary School


Marlborough High 

Marlborough Junior High


Martha’s Vineyard Charter School

Martha’s Vineyard Pub. Charter

Media and Technology Charter High School

Match Charter Public High School 

Match Charter Public Middle 

Match Community Day

Methuen Public Schools

Comprehensive Grammar School

Donald Timony Grammar School

Marsh Grammar School

Methuen High School

Notre Dame

Tenney Grammar School

Mohawk Trail Regional School District

Buckland Shelburne Scool

Colrain Central School

Mohawk Trail Regional High School

Sanderson Academy

Mother Caroline Academy & Education Ctr.

Mother Caroline Academy & Education Ctr.

Nativity Preparatory School

Nativity Preparatory School

Neighborhood House Charter School

Centre Street Campus

Neighborhood House Charter School

New Bedford Public Schools

Abraham Lincoln 

Alfred J Gomes 

All Saints 

Alma Del Mar Frederick Douglass

Alma Del Mar Sarah Ottiwell

Betsey B Winslow 

Carlos Pacheco 

Casmir Pulaski 

Charles S Ashley 

Country Street/ Whaling City 

Elizabeth Carter Brooks 

Ellen R Hathaway 

Elwyn G Campbell 


Holy Family Holy Name

Irwin M Jacobs Elementary 

James B Congdon

Jireh Sqift 

John A Parker 

John B Devalles 

Keith Jr High 

Nativity Preparatory School 


New Bedford High School 

Normandin Jr High 

Our Sisters School 

Parenting Teen Program

Renaissance Community Innovation School 

Rossevelt Jr High 

SGT. WM Carney ME Academy 

St Francis Xavier 

St Teresa of Calcutta School

Therapeutic Learning Center 

Thomas R Rodman 

Transitional Services Program 

Trinity Day Academy 

William H Taylor

New Heights Charter School of Brockton 

New Heights Charter School of Brockton 

North Adams School District 

Brayton School 

Colegrove Elementary School 

Drury Senior High School 

Emma Miller Elementary School 

Greylock Elementary School 

North Adams Armory 

Northern Berkshire Head Start 

North Attleboro Public Schools

Community Elementary School 

North Middlesex Reg'l School Dist

Keystone Collaborative

North River Collaborative

North River Collaborative 

Northeast Metropolitan Regional

Northeast Metro Regional Vocational School

Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational

McCann Techincal School

Oak Bluff School Committee

Oak Bluff Elementary School

Orange School Committee

Dexter Park Innovation School 

Fisher Hill School

Palmer Public Schools

Old Mill Pond

Palmer High

Peabody Public Schools

William E Welch Sr

Thomas Carroll

Pioneer Charter School of Science Everett

PCSS K-8 Lower School

PCSS Upper School (High School)

Pittsfield Public Schools



Easle Academy



John C Crosby Elementary

Morningside Elementary 

Mill Pond School

Pittsfield High School

Pittsfield Virtual Academy 

Reid Middle School 

Silvio Conte Community School

Stearn Elementary

Taconic High School

Theordore Herberg Middle

Williams School

Plymouth School District

Cold Spring

Pope John Paul ii Catholic Academy

Columbia Campus

Lower Mills Campus

Prospect Hill Academy

Prospect Hill Lower Elementary

Prospect Hill MS/HS/CI

Prospect Hill Upper Elementary 

Provincetown School Committee

Provincetown Pre-School

Provincetown School

Quabbin Regional School District

Hardwick Elementary School

Quaboag Intergrated Preschool

Quaboag Regional Middle/High School

Warren Community Elementary School

West Brookfield Elementary School

Quincy Public Schools

Broad Meadows Middle School

Clifford Marshall Elementary

Francis W Parker 


Point Webster Middle School

Snug Harbor 

South West Middle School 

Ralph C Mahar Regional School District

Ralph C Mahar Regional School

Randolph Public Schools

Elizabeth G Lyons Elementary

J F Kennedy Elementary

Margaret L Donovan 

Martin E Young Elementary

Randolph Community Middle 

Randolph High School

Revere Public Schools

A.C Welan Elementary

Abraham Lincoln 


Garfield Elementary

Garfield Middle School 

Hill School 

Paul Revere School 

Rumney Marsh Academy 

Seacoast Collaborative

Susan B Anthony Middle School 

Rowe School Committee

Rowe Elementary School

Roxbury Preparatory Charter School

Roxbury Preparatory Charter School 

Roxbury Preparatory Dorchester Campus 

Roxbury Preparatory Charter High School 

Roxbury Preparatory Charter High School Two

Roxbury Preparatory Charter Lucy Stone Campus 

Salem Academy Charter School

Salem Academy Charter School

Salem School Department




Collins Middle (Formerly West)

Horace Mann

New Liberty Charter School of Salem

Salem Early Childhood Center 

Salem High 

Salen Prep High School 


Witchcraft Heights 

Seem Collaborative

Campus Academy 

East Somerville Community School

Hurd School/Middle

Ripley/Hurd Elementary

Seem Prep at Yeuell School

Shore Education Collaborative

Shore Education Collaborative

Sizer School A North Central Essential

Sizer School

Somerville Public School

Arthur D Healey

Argenziano School

East Somerville Community School

Full Circle

Next Wace

Somerville High School 

Winter Hill Community Innovation School

South Coast Educational Collaborative

Gallishaw School

Life Academy 

North Street School

South Middlesex Regional Voc Tech

Joseph P Keefe Tech HS

Southbridge Public Schools

Charlton Street

Eastford Road 

Southbridge Academy 

Southbridge Middle High School 

The Grow School 

West Street School 

Southeastern Regional School District

Southeastern Regional Voc-Tech High

Spencer-East Brookfield Regional

David Prouty High 

East Brookfield Elementary

Knox Trail Middle School 

Wire Village 

Springfield Preparatory Charter 

Springfield Charter School 

Springfield Public Schools

Alice B Beal School 

Ann Dryden Veterans Mem School 

Arthur T Talmadge 

Balliet Middle School 

Balliet PreSchool

Baystate Academy 

Boland Elementary School 

Brightwood Elementary School 

Chestnut Accelerated Middle 

Daniel B Brunton 

Early Childhood Education Center

Elias Brookings 

Forest Park Middle School 

Frank H Freedman 

Frederick Harris 

Gateway to College 2 

German Gerna Community School 


Glickman Elementary School 

Hampden Charter School of Science 

Hampden Charter School of Science West

High School of Commerce 

High School of Science and Tech 

Hiram L Dorman 

Homer Street 

Indian Orchard Elementary

John F Kennedy Middle School 

John J Duggan Middle School 

Kensington International School 

Libertas Academy Charter School 


Liberty Preparatory Academy 


M Marcus Kiley Middle School 

Margaret C Ells 

Martin L King School of Excellence

Mary M Lynch 

Mary O Pottenger 

Mary Walsh Elementary 

Milton Bradly School 

Phoenix Academy Public Charter 

Pope Francis High School 

Putnam Voc Tech High School 

Rebecca Johnson 


Samuel Bowles 

South End Middle School 

Springfield Central High School 

Springfield Conservatory of the Arts 

Springfield High School 

Springfield International Charter School 

Springfield Public Day Elementary

Springfield Public Day High 

Springfield Public Day Middle School 

Springfield Virtual School at Johnson 

St Joan of Arc School 

St. Michaels Elementary and Middle 

St Stanislaus School 

STEM Middle School 

Sumner Avenue Elementary

Thomas M Balliet Elementary

Van Sickle 

Veritas Preparatory Charter School 



White Street 

William N Deberry 

Willie Ross School 


Taunton Public Schools

Benjamin A Freidman School 

East Taunton Elementary School

Edmund Hatch Bennett 

Edward F. Leddy 

Elizabeth Pole 

H H Galligan 

James L Mulcahey 

Joseph C Chamberlain School 

Joseph H Martin 

Parker Middle School 

Taunton Alternative High School 

Taunton High 

Tisbury School Committee

Tisbury Elementary School

Truro School Committee

Truro Central 

Wales School Committee

Wales Elementary

Waltham Public Schools

Douglas Macarthur

Dual Language Program 

Henry Whittmore 

James Fitzgerald Elementary

Kennedy Middle

McDevitt Middle


Plympton Elementary

Waltham High School

William F. Stanley Elementary

Ware School District

Ware Middle School 

Ware Jr Sr High School

Zoziol Elementary School

Wareham School District

Wareham Elementary School

Wareham Middle School 

Wareham Senior High 

Webster School District 

Bartlett High School 

Park Avenue Elementary

Webster Middle School 

West Springfield Public Schools

Cowing Alternative School 

Cowing Early Childhood School 

John Ashley School 

John R Fausey 

Memorial School 


Phillip Coburn School  


West Springfield Middle 

West Springfield Senior High 

Westfield Public Schools

Abner Gibbs

Franklin Ave 

Paper Mill Elementary

Westwood Public School

Hale Education

Weymouth Public Schools

William Seach

Winchendon Public Schools

Memorial Elementary

Murdock Academy for Success

Murdock High School

Murdock Middle School

Toy Town Elementary School

Woburn Public School


Worcester Public Schools

Alternative School / St. Casimir 

Belmont Street Community 

Burncoat Middle School 

Burncoat Senior High 

Burncoat Street Preparatory 

Canterbury St Magnet 

Center for Applied Behavioral Instr.

Central Mass Collaborative - Higgins St 

Central Mass Collaborative - New Bond 

Challenge & Reach Academy - Harlow St

Chandler Elementary at Y 

Chandler Elementary Community 

Chandler Magnet School 

City View Discovery School 

Claremont Academy 

Clark St Community 

Doherty Memorial High 

Dr A F Sullivan Middle 

Dr James Caradonio New Citizen Center 

Elm Park Community 

Fanning Special Education Program 

Flagg Street School 

Forest Grove Middle School 

Gates Lane School 

Gerald Creamer Center 

Goddard School of Science and Technology

Grafton Street School 

Greendale Head Start 

Heard Street Discovery Academy 

Jacob Hiatt Magnet School 

La Familia Dual Language School 

Lake View School 

Lincoln Street School 

May Street School 

MC Grath Elementary School 

Midland Street School 

Mill Swan Head Start 

Millbury Street Head Start 

Nativity School of Worcester 

Nelson Place School 

New Citizen for Young Adults - Fanning 

Norrback Avenue School 

North High School 

Quinsigamond School 

Recovery High School at Rockdale St

Rice Square School 

Roosevelt School 

South High Community School 

Summit Academy 

Tatnuck Magnet School 

Thorndyke Road School 

Union Hill School 

University Park Campus School 

Vernon Hill School 

Wawecus Road School 

West Tatnuck School 

Woodland Academy 

Woodard Day 1 School - Fremont St

Woodard Day 2 School - Rockdale St 

Woodard Day 3 School - Mckeon Rd

Worcester Arts Magnet School 

Worcester East Middle School 

Worcester Technical High School

Yeshiva Achei Timimin 

Yeshiva Achei Timimin